Manning Bike Track

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Following the feedback period and analysis, the final design has been confirmed and construction will commence in October 2024. Read the project update to find out more.

The City of South Perth is building an exciting new cycling facility at George Burnett Park in Karawara, thanks to funding from Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, Lotterywest and the City of South Perth.

Manning Bike Track will feature a pump track and a jump track, and we’d like to know what you think about two concept designs:

  1. Pump track and jump track
  2. Landscaping including seating, pathways, shade and other amenities

How can I get involved?

  • Read the FAQs
  • Ask us a question online
  • Complete the online feedback form below
  • Drop in and talk to the project team
    - Anytime between 4.00pm-6.30pm, Thursday 18 July at George Burnett Leisure Centre
  • Contact the City on 9474 0777
  • Hard copy forms will be available from George Burnett Leisure Centre, South Perth and Manning Libraries and the Civic Centre from 11 July.

Feedback closed at 4pm, Monday 5 August 2024.

Information and documents on this page are available in alternative formats upon request.

Following the feedback period and analysis, the final design has been confirmed and construction will commence in October 2024. Read the project update to find out more.

The City of South Perth is building an exciting new cycling facility at George Burnett Park in Karawara, thanks to funding from Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, Lotterywest and the City of South Perth.

Manning Bike Track will feature a pump track and a jump track, and we’d like to know what you think about two concept designs:

  1. Pump track and jump track
  2. Landscaping including seating, pathways, shade and other amenities

How can I get involved?

  • Read the FAQs
  • Ask us a question online
  • Complete the online feedback form below
  • Drop in and talk to the project team
    - Anytime between 4.00pm-6.30pm, Thursday 18 July at George Burnett Leisure Centre
  • Contact the City on 9474 0777
  • Hard copy forms will be available from George Burnett Leisure Centre, South Perth and Manning Libraries and the Civic Centre from 11 July.

Feedback closed at 4pm, Monday 5 August 2024.

Information and documents on this page are available in alternative formats upon request.

  • Project update

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    Thank you to everyone who submitted their feedback and/or came along to our drop-in session.

    During the consultation process participants sought information on several aspects of the design, as well as providing feedback which has been considered by the project team. The City can now confirm the following:

    Pump track

    • There will be a flat area designating a hangout area with signage and an intuitive start to the pump track, which will also act as a link between the pump track and the jump track start mound.
    • There will be the addition of a new entry point to the pump track.
    • The pump track will be wide enough to allow two users to pass each other safely.
    • The pump track will be sealed with black asphalt.

    Jump track

    • There will be a slight decline from the jump start mound to assist riders to gather speed.
    • The batters at the edge of the track will be gentle slopes to allow riders to safely exit the track.
    • The jump track has been designed to be progressive and has a variety of alignments, orientation and jump sizes so users can progress and continue to be challenged.
    • The final jump is designed as a trick jump; a larger jump with a wider landing area.
    • The jump track will be sealed with brown PolyPave and feature concrete lips.

    Landscaping and amenities

    • A new drinking water fountain, bike racks and bike repair station near the shelter will be added to the landscaping and amenities design.

    Construction of the pump track and jump track is expected to commence in October 2024, with completion anticipated in early 2025.

Page last updated: 10 Sep 2024, 04:01 PM