What is a pump track?

    A pump track is a circuit of rollers (small mounds or bumps in the track), banked turns (berms) and features designed to be ridden completely by riders ‘pumping’ (generating momentum by up and down body movements), rather than pedalling or pushing. Pump tracks were originally designed for BMX and mountain bikes, but they can also be used by skateboards and other wheeled sport equipment. Pump tracks are simple to use and can be used by all ages, skill levels and abilities.

    What is a jump track?

    Jump tracks, also sometimes referred to as ‘jump lines’, are typically a series of jumps along a relatively linear track that allows more confident riders to practise more advanced moves.  Often the jumps themselves will be higher than what is provided for at a pump track.

    Where the jumps on a ‘pump track’ are typically only about 1-1.5m high, the jumps on a ‘jump track’ will often be taller than this.

    Where will the Manning Bike Track be located?

    The Manning Bike Track is planned to be installed in the flat, open grassed area between the George Burnett Leisure Centre and the skatepark. Once completed, the track will be the perfect companion to other activities located in the park, including the Manning Skate Park and new shared-use pathway.

    Where did the idea for the Manning Bike Track come from?

    In 2018 the City of South Perth developed a Bike Plan in collaboration with the Town of Victoria Park. This Bike Plan identified George Burnett Park as a suitable location for a pump track. Additionally, in 2018/19 a masterplan was developed for the George Burnett Recreation Precinct, which included a recommendation for a pump track on the site near the skate park.

    At its meeting held 23 November 2021, Council resolved to give future consideration of a pump track at George Burnett Park; and for the City to investigate external funding opportunities to assist with the development of the proposed Pump Track.

    Read more about the Joint Bike Plan on the City's website (external link).

    How is the Manning Bike Track funded?

    In 2023, the City received a $300,000 grant from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program towards the project.

    The City subsequently secured a $100,000 grant from Lotterywest in 2024 as a contribution towards the landscaping around the new Manning Bike Track for items such as, seating, pathways, garden and shade. 

    In the 2024/25 budget, the City allocated $200,000 to the Bike Track project.

    The total anticipated cost of the entire project is $600,000, which includes the pump track and jump track as well as landscaping and amenities around the cycling facilities.

    Who will build the Manning Bike Track?

    Tender for the construction of the track was awarded to Three Chillies Design who have successfully completed similar projects throughout Western Australia.

    The City will provide other landscaping and finishes around the Manning Bike Track, which may include items such as seating, shade and signage.

    Construction will begin following community consultation on the concept design, and finalisation of the Manning Bike Track design.

    Will the Manning Bike Track replace the skatepark?

    There are no plans to remove or replace the skatepark.

    Is the Farmers Market on Manning moving because of the bike track?

    The Farmers Market on Manning is moving. Their decision to relocate to Hedley Park was a commercial decision made by the operators and unrelated to the installation of the bike track at George Burnett Park. Whilst the City did everything it could to keep the Markets at George Burnett Park, there has always been the requirement for the City and the operators to balance the needs of the Markets and the other George Burnett Park users. Operating as the sole users of Hedley Park will mean the Markets can operate without these constraints. You can read more on the City's website (External link).

    How does the George Burnett Park Cycling Needs Assessment that the City carried out in 2022 relate to Manning Bike Track?

    The George Burnett Park Cycling Needs Assessment was a broad investigation into the need for cycling infrastructure at George Burnett Park. In addition to other needs such as shared pathways and ‘end of trip’ cycling infrastructure, the development of the Manning Bike Track was just one aspect that the needs assessment considered.

    What will the track surfaces be constructed with?

    The Manning Bike Track concept design includes a pump track and a jump track. The pump track will be constructed with asphalt and concrete edging in order to extend the life of the track as long as possible. The jump track will be constructed using Polypave, which is sealed, and using concrete inserts for the higher wear sections of the track, again for longevity and durability.

    Will there be fencing around the Bike Track?

    Some minimal, low height fencing may be required for the safety of users at the Bike Track, and George Burnett Park users in general. The fence design is yet to be decided but will complement the chosen shade and seating without creating any visual barrier across the track.

    What types of trees and vegetation will be planted around the Bike Track?

    Local endemic trees and plants that will establish quickly and grow in what is a difficult site will be used. The planting design will consider the movement of people and bikes around the track and will aim to provide summer shading. There will be groupings of larger trees and groundcover understorey plants so as not to restrict spectator views of the track.

    What other amenities will there be?

    The Manning Bike Track will have signs to explain its use and any relevant local park rules.

    When will the Manning Bike Track be finished and open to ride?

    The bike track is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2025. You can read more on the City’s website.

    How can I give my feedback?

    From Thursday 11 July to 4pm on Monday 5 August 2024, you can complete the online feedback form.

    You can drop in and talk to the project team anytime between 4.00pm-6.30pm, Thursday 18 July at George Burnett Leisure Centre.

    Ask us a question online and we’ll either answer you on the project page, or email you directly