Challenger Reserve Masterplan

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The Challenger Reserve Masterplan has been finalised. See below for project updates. Thank you to everyone that participated in this project.

The City of South Perth is developing a masterplan for Challenger Reserve, Manning, to guide the future use and development of this important community space.

Challenger Reserve, which adjoins Sandon Park, is currently home to tennis, bowls and soccer clubs. It has a playground and is also used by local residents for informal recreation purposes. A cricket wicket was added to the eastern playing field area last year.

Proposed improvements in the short term include upgrading floodlighting for the playing fields to meet Australian Standards. Consideration is also being given to refurbishment and/or replacement of the Bowling clubhouse and the Challenger Reserve pavilion. The City would like to optimise the use of this reserve and accommodate additional compatible sporting and community activities.

We would like your feedback to help inform the development of the Masterplan.

How can I get involved?

Hard copy surveys are available at the City's Civic Centre and South Perth and Manning libraries.

Feedback closed 4pm, Tuesday 3 March 2020.

The Challenger Reserve Masterplan has been finalised. See below for project updates. Thank you to everyone that participated in this project.

The City of South Perth is developing a masterplan for Challenger Reserve, Manning, to guide the future use and development of this important community space.

Challenger Reserve, which adjoins Sandon Park, is currently home to tennis, bowls and soccer clubs. It has a playground and is also used by local residents for informal recreation purposes. A cricket wicket was added to the eastern playing field area last year.

Proposed improvements in the short term include upgrading floodlighting for the playing fields to meet Australian Standards. Consideration is also being given to refurbishment and/or replacement of the Bowling clubhouse and the Challenger Reserve pavilion. The City would like to optimise the use of this reserve and accommodate additional compatible sporting and community activities.

We would like your feedback to help inform the development of the Masterplan.

How can I get involved?

Hard copy surveys are available at the City's Civic Centre and South Perth and Manning libraries.

Feedback closed 4pm, Tuesday 3 March 2020.

Do you have any questions about the Challenger Reserve Masterplan? Ask them here! We'll either answer it on this page (and send you an email) or we'll answer you directly.

  • Share Good Morning, my questions are; 1) were owner/occupiers consulted as key stakeholders for the challenger reserve master plan ? 2) the ten floodlights that have been installed on challenger reserve have completely changed the aesthetic of the reserve. The floodlights height, and numbers, seem disproportionate to the nature of the reserve. Why have so many been installed in such a small area? There are two that seem only a few metres apart on the east side of the main oval (by the waterway/bush area). The ten very dominant floodlights seem excessive for the park. on Facebook Share Good Morning, my questions are; 1) were owner/occupiers consulted as key stakeholders for the challenger reserve master plan ? 2) the ten floodlights that have been installed on challenger reserve have completely changed the aesthetic of the reserve. The floodlights height, and numbers, seem disproportionate to the nature of the reserve. Why have so many been installed in such a small area? There are two that seem only a few metres apart on the east side of the main oval (by the waterway/bush area). The ten very dominant floodlights seem excessive for the park. on Twitter Share Good Morning, my questions are; 1) were owner/occupiers consulted as key stakeholders for the challenger reserve master plan ? 2) the ten floodlights that have been installed on challenger reserve have completely changed the aesthetic of the reserve. The floodlights height, and numbers, seem disproportionate to the nature of the reserve. Why have so many been installed in such a small area? There are two that seem only a few metres apart on the east side of the main oval (by the waterway/bush area). The ten very dominant floodlights seem excessive for the park. on Linkedin Email Good Morning, my questions are; 1) were owner/occupiers consulted as key stakeholders for the challenger reserve master plan ? 2) the ten floodlights that have been installed on challenger reserve have completely changed the aesthetic of the reserve. The floodlights height, and numbers, seem disproportionate to the nature of the reserve. Why have so many been installed in such a small area? There are two that seem only a few metres apart on the east side of the main oval (by the waterway/bush area). The ten very dominant floodlights seem excessive for the park. link

    Good Morning, my questions are; 1) were owner/occupiers consulted as key stakeholders for the challenger reserve master plan ? 2) the ten floodlights that have been installed on challenger reserve have completely changed the aesthetic of the reserve. The floodlights height, and numbers, seem disproportionate to the nature of the reserve. Why have so many been installed in such a small area? There are two that seem only a few metres apart on the east side of the main oval (by the waterway/bush area). The ten very dominant floodlights seem excessive for the park.

    Monty asked over 3 years ago

    Hi there. Thanks for your questions. In answer to your first question, owner/occupiers were consulted as one group of several key stakeholders for the draft Challenger Reserve Masterplan. The floodlight project is separate to the draft Masterplan, which has not yet been finalised. The City wrote to residents regarding the floodlight project in April and August this year.

    In order to meet Australian Standards the City is required to provide a minimum lighting level of 50 lux to the playing fields for training purposes.  The number of poles, pole height and the lighting uniformity across the three sporting ovals at Challenger Reserve are minimum levels determined by Australian Standards and have to be adhered to by the City.

  • Share Hi, on 25th May the website said the plan would be circulated with stakeholders for a few weeks and then released. When will the plan be released? Once the plan is released, what further opportunity for input will there be? on Facebook Share Hi, on 25th May the website said the plan would be circulated with stakeholders for a few weeks and then released. When will the plan be released? Once the plan is released, what further opportunity for input will there be? on Twitter Share Hi, on 25th May the website said the plan would be circulated with stakeholders for a few weeks and then released. When will the plan be released? Once the plan is released, what further opportunity for input will there be? on Linkedin Email Hi, on 25th May the website said the plan would be circulated with stakeholders for a few weeks and then released. When will the plan be released? Once the plan is released, what further opportunity for input will there be? link

    Hi, on 25th May the website said the plan would be circulated with stakeholders for a few weeks and then released. When will the plan be released? Once the plan is released, what further opportunity for input will there be?

    Concernedratepayer asked over 3 years ago

    Hi there. Thanks for your question. Having taken feedback from the key stakeholders the Masterplan is now being finalised and it is anticipated that it will be made publicly available towards the end of 2021.  The projects within the Masterplan will be staged over a number of years. The Masterplan will be reviewed annually and each project will be considered by the City and Council in line with the Long Term Financial Plan/budget availability/capacity to deliver, taking into consideration external funding opportunities and any financial contributions available from project stakeholders. There will be further opportunity for community and stakeholder input as implementation of projects within the Masterplan occurs.