Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031

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Picture your future City of South Perth!

Following extensive stakeholder and community engagement, the City's new Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2021-2031 was adopted in December 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated in this important project.

Background: How do you picture your future City of South Perth?

The Strategic Community Plan is our overarching plan to guide us over the next 10 years. It outlines our community’s aspirations, priorities and vision for the future of the City, and guides all of the City’s operations and programs over that time. You can view the Review document, stakeholder engagement reports and other supporting information in the document library.

How was feedback provided?

Feedback closed at 4pm, Thursday 18 November 2021.

Picture your future City of South Perth!

Following extensive stakeholder and community engagement, the City's new Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2021-2031 was adopted in December 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated in this important project.

Background: How do you picture your future City of South Perth?

The Strategic Community Plan is our overarching plan to guide us over the next 10 years. It outlines our community’s aspirations, priorities and vision for the future of the City, and guides all of the City’s operations and programs over that time. You can view the Review document, stakeholder engagement reports and other supporting information in the document library.

How was feedback provided?

Feedback closed at 4pm, Thursday 18 November 2021.

Do you have any questions about the Strategic Community Plan Review? Ask them here! We'll either answer it on this page (and send you an email) or we'll answer you directly.

  • Share Why has the Council cut down the old trees in the Manning Salter area, soecifically along Ley Street and Manning Road. It looks awful and was it necessary to destroy these remaining valuable fragments of bush heritage. There us not even a notice to tell the horrified residents if there is a plan for the now decimated blocks. Even if building, surely you are clever enough to preserve the valuable old trees. And will you dispose of the remnants by burning...thus doubling the environmental damage. What a shame, people.... on Facebook Share Why has the Council cut down the old trees in the Manning Salter area, soecifically along Ley Street and Manning Road. It looks awful and was it necessary to destroy these remaining valuable fragments of bush heritage. There us not even a notice to tell the horrified residents if there is a plan for the now decimated blocks. Even if building, surely you are clever enough to preserve the valuable old trees. And will you dispose of the remnants by burning...thus doubling the environmental damage. What a shame, people.... on Twitter Share Why has the Council cut down the old trees in the Manning Salter area, soecifically along Ley Street and Manning Road. It looks awful and was it necessary to destroy these remaining valuable fragments of bush heritage. There us not even a notice to tell the horrified residents if there is a plan for the now decimated blocks. Even if building, surely you are clever enough to preserve the valuable old trees. And will you dispose of the remnants by burning...thus doubling the environmental damage. What a shame, people.... on Linkedin Email Why has the Council cut down the old trees in the Manning Salter area, soecifically along Ley Street and Manning Road. It looks awful and was it necessary to destroy these remaining valuable fragments of bush heritage. There us not even a notice to tell the horrified residents if there is a plan for the now decimated blocks. Even if building, surely you are clever enough to preserve the valuable old trees. And will you dispose of the remnants by burning...thus doubling the environmental damage. What a shame, people.... link

    Why has the Council cut down the old trees in the Manning Salter area, soecifically along Ley Street and Manning Road. It looks awful and was it necessary to destroy these remaining valuable fragments of bush heritage. There us not even a notice to tell the horrified residents if there is a plan for the now decimated blocks. Even if building, surely you are clever enough to preserve the valuable old trees. And will you dispose of the remnants by burning...thus doubling the environmental damage. What a shame, people....

    Anna Pembroke asked about 3 years ago

    Hi there. Thanks for your question. This land at the corner of Ley St and Manning Rd is owned by private property developers and cleaning of the land was carried out by the property owners without the knowledge or approval of the City. The City is committed to protecting and enhancing its urban forest – you can find out more on our website

  • Share Will there be a cap on the amount of multi storey apartments being built in the Peninsula area ? Please do not give me a generic reply. It is quite concerning the amount being built and waiting approval. I can count another 6 in this small area of South Perth to add to the existing buildings. on Facebook Share Will there be a cap on the amount of multi storey apartments being built in the Peninsula area ? Please do not give me a generic reply. It is quite concerning the amount being built and waiting approval. I can count another 6 in this small area of South Perth to add to the existing buildings. on Twitter Share Will there be a cap on the amount of multi storey apartments being built in the Peninsula area ? Please do not give me a generic reply. It is quite concerning the amount being built and waiting approval. I can count another 6 in this small area of South Perth to add to the existing buildings. on Linkedin Email Will there be a cap on the amount of multi storey apartments being built in the Peninsula area ? Please do not give me a generic reply. It is quite concerning the amount being built and waiting approval. I can count another 6 in this small area of South Perth to add to the existing buildings. link

    Will there be a cap on the amount of multi storey apartments being built in the Peninsula area ? Please do not give me a generic reply. It is quite concerning the amount being built and waiting approval. I can count another 6 in this small area of South Perth to add to the existing buildings.

    SeanSmith asked over 3 years ago

    Hi there. Thanks for your question. The Peninsula area forms part of the South Perth Activity Centre, one of two major activity centres within the City of South Perth. The South Perth Activity Centre is planned to accommodate an additional 2,300 dwellings by 2041. To guide this future growth, an Activity Centre Plan has been prepared by the City. Preparation of the South Perth Activity Centre Plan involved an extensive community engagement process in which a new vision and objectives for the future of the area were developed. The South Perth Activity Centre Plan and new planning requirements proposed within the City’s Town Planning Scheme No.6 will provide clarity and greater certainty in relation to future redevelopment potential across the Peninsula area. 

    In response to your query, there is no limit on the number of properties able to be redeveloped in this area. Each property within the Activity Centre will be subject to planning controls contained within the South Perth Activity Centre Plan and Town Planning Scheme No.6, including building height and plot ratio limits. The planning controls aim to provide a variety of buildings of differing heights and land uses across the Peninsula area, with a strong emphasis on enhancing local residential character. Each property can be redeveloped in accordance with these requirements.  

    The South Perth Activity Centre Plan is supported by a number of technical reports which consider the needs of the area as a result of new development and population growth. This includes an Economic and Demographic Assessment, Transport and Movement Analysis, and Local Water Management Strategy. 

    Further information can be found on the South Perth Activity Centre Plan page