Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031
Picture your future City of South Perth!
Following extensive stakeholder and community engagement, the City's new Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2021-2031 was adopted in December 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated in this important project.
Background: How do you picture your future City of South Perth?
The Strategic Community Plan is our overarching plan to guide us over the next 10 years. It outlines our community’s aspirations, priorities and vision for the future of the City, and guides all of the City’s operations and programs over that time. You can view the Review document, stakeholder engagement reports and other supporting information in the document library.
How was feedback provided?
- Complete the online feedback form. Hard copy feedback forms are available at the Civic Centre and the South Perth and Manning libraries
- Come to our drop in session anytime between 11am and 2pm at the City of South Perth Civic Centre on Saturday 6 November 2021
- Read the frequently asked questions
- Ask a question online
- Call 9474 0777 to speak to a member of the project team
- Sign up for email updates on the project.
Feedback closed at 4pm, Thursday 18 November 2021.
Picture your future City of South Perth!
Following extensive stakeholder and community engagement, the City's new Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2021-2031 was adopted in December 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated in this important project.
Background: How do you picture your future City of South Perth?
The Strategic Community Plan is our overarching plan to guide us over the next 10 years. It outlines our community’s aspirations, priorities and vision for the future of the City, and guides all of the City’s operations and programs over that time. You can view the Review document, stakeholder engagement reports and other supporting information in the document library.
How was feedback provided?
- Complete the online feedback form. Hard copy feedback forms are available at the Civic Centre and the South Perth and Manning libraries
- Come to our drop in session anytime between 11am and 2pm at the City of South Perth Civic Centre on Saturday 6 November 2021
- Read the frequently asked questions
- Ask a question online
- Call 9474 0777 to speak to a member of the project team
- Sign up for email updates on the project.
Feedback closed at 4pm, Thursday 18 November 2021.
New Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 adopted
Share New Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 adopted on Facebook Share New Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 adopted on Twitter Share New Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 adopted on Linkedin Email New Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 adopted linkFollowing extensive stakeholder and community engagement, the City's new Strategic Community Plan (SCP) 2021-2031 was adopted at the December 2021 Council meeting.
The SCP will guide the City over the next ten years as we deliver on our community’s vision to be a city of active places and beautiful spaces.
You can view the SCP as a PDF document whilst the final version is being graphically designed.
Thank you to everyone that participated in this important project.
Feedback sought on Strategic Community Plan major review
Share Feedback sought on Strategic Community Plan major review on Facebook Share Feedback sought on Strategic Community Plan major review on Twitter Share Feedback sought on Strategic Community Plan major review on Linkedin Email Feedback sought on Strategic Community Plan major review linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City is asking for feedback as part of a major review of our Strategic Community Plan. Earlier this year, we asked the community how they picture their future City of South Perth and received a great response through our survey and workshops. Thank you to everyone who took part.
The plan has now been updated based on feedback from stakeholders, community and Councillors and we are asking for your thoughts on the revised aspirations, priorities, outcomes and strategies. Feedback is open from Wednesday 27 October and closes 4pm, Thursday 18 November 2021.
The Strategic Community Plan will guide the City over the next ten years, so if you live, work or visit the City of South Perth, we would like to hear from you.
For those who want to know more about the revised Strategic Community Plan, the City will be holding a drop in session on Saturday 6 November at the City of South Perth Civic Centre between 11am and 2pm.
Complete our online survey
Share Complete our online survey on Facebook Share Complete our online survey on Twitter Share Complete our online survey on Linkedin Email Complete our online survey linkThis survey is now closed.Help to ensure that the Strategic Community Plan truly reflects the community priorities for the City.
Complete the online survey for your chance to win a $100 voucher (terms and conditions apply). Hard copy surveys are available at the City’s libraries and the Civic Centre.
Stakeholder and community feedback will be reviewed and will be considered as the City updates the Plan for adoption by Council later in the year.
Survey closed 4pm, Monday 15 March 2021.
Come to our online community workshop
Share Come to our online community workshop on Facebook Share Come to our online community workshop on Twitter Share Come to our online community workshop on Linkedin Email Come to our online community workshop linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Are you interested in shaping the future of your City of South Perth from the comfort of your own home or any place that suits you? Our online community workshop is for you!
This workshop will include a number of interactive and collaborative activities to look at what makes the City special, how you picture your future City of South Perth, and what your priorities are to achieve that vision.
New to Zoom? No problem. Just get in touch with us prior to the workshop and we can help you get set up.
Jump online and help us determine the priorities for the City over the next 10 years.
When: 6.30-8pm on Wednesday 10 March 2021
Where: Online via Zoom
Registrations have now closed.
News update
Share News update on Facebook Share News update on Twitter Share News update on Linkedin Email News update linkHow do you picture your future City of South Perth?
We're reviewing our Strategic Community Plan (SCP), the document that guides the City over a 10 year period, and we would like to hear from you.
From 15 February to 15 March, we will be running a range of stakeholder and community engagement activities so we can hear from as many members of our community as possible.
The Strategic Community Plan is the City’s overarching plan to guide us over the next decade. It outlines our community’s aspirations, priorities and vision for the future of the City.
All the programs and services that the City provides are linked to our SCP to ensure that we are delivering what the community wants.
The current Strategic Community Plan is the result of community and stakeholder feedback from the Vision 2027 process which took place in 2017. From this, we developed a comprehensive plan to deliver on the vision of ‘A city of active places and beautiful spaces. A connected community with easily accessible, vibrant neighbourhoods and a unique, sustainable natural environment’.
We’ve worked hard to meet the community aspirations outlined in the last Plan and we’d like to know what else you would like to see us do.
We’re asking you to look back, to reflect on what we’ve achieved, and to tell us what you see as priorities for the City for the next 10 years.
City of South Perth Mayor Greg Milner encouraged all members of the local community to be involved in shaping the future of the City.
“It has been four years since the City of South Perth’s Strategic Community Plan was developed and now we’re conducting a major review to ensure that the aspirations and priorities set out in the Plan are still relevant. We want to check-in and make sure we’re heading in the right direction,” Mayor Milner said.
“Developing our City’s Strategic Community Plan is one of the most important jobs that your Council and the City's administration has. It’s a 10-year, high-level plan setting out the vision and priorities for our community. And to make sure that the Strategic Community Plan properly reflects what our community wants, we want to hear from you.”
“This major review of the Strategic Community Plan will assist Council to understand what matters most to our community, to prioritise resources and guide the way we plan for the future and deliver essential services.”
Have your say
Help to ensure that the Strategic Community Plan truly reflects the community priorities for the City.
Complete the survey on for your chance to win a $100 voucher.
Hard copy surveys are available at the City’s libraries and the Civic Centre.
Stakeholder and community feedback will be reviewed and will be considered as the City updates the Plan for adoption by Council later in the year.
Find out more and complete the survey at
Survey closes 4pm, Monday 15 March.
Document Library
Strategic Comunity Plan 2021-2031 (180 KB) (pdf)
Draft SCP 2021-2031 Review document (74.8 KB) (pdf)
Draft SCP 2021-2031 draft updates reference document (158 KB) (pdf)
Research Solutions Stakeholder Engagement Report Final - May 2021 (3.28 MB) (pdf)
SCP Review Engagement Overview Report - May 2021 (190 KB) (pdf)
Key Dates
27 October 2021
06 November 2021
18 November 2021
Stakeholder and community engagement
Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 has finished this stage15 February – 15 March
Analysis of stakeholder and community feedback
Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 has finished this stageMarch-April 2021
Preparation of draft Strategic Community Plan
Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 has finished this stageMarch - September 2021
Draft Strategic Community Plan to Council to endorse to go out for public comment
Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 has finished this stageOctober 2021
Public comment period
Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 has finished this stageOctober-November 2021
Strategic Community Plan to Council for adoption
Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 is currently at this stageDecember 2021