Why are we doing this survey?

    The library survey will provide our community with the opportunity to tell us how what value they think the library service provides and what they want from our libraries in the future.  The survey will:

    • gauge general satisfaction with our equipment, facilities, resources, programs and services
    • provide information on what library programs and services are most used
    • provide information on the positive impacts our libraries have on their lives
    • allow us to identify areas or services that need improving.

    How is it different to the November 2022 library usage survey?

    This library survey aims to complement the library usage survey that was conducted in November 2022. It will provide additional feedback and measurable data. This survey will provide important information on our resources, programs, activities as well as what is important to our library customers. This will assist libraries to align its services and programs to better meet community needs and expectations as well as identifying what barriers might discourage people visiting or using our libraries.

    What will you do with my feedback?

    The responses will be collated and used to maintain the good things that we are currently providing and improve on the gaps to provide library customers with the resources, programs and services they want. 

    Libraries are an extremely important assets to local communities but membership numbers and loan statistics only address a small part of the value of a library to its community. The library survey results will enable us to advocate for support and funding that will allow us to provide a library service that continues to meet industry standards, guidelines and collection outcomes.

    How can I ask questions about the project?