What is the 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan?

    The 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan will be the City of South Perth’s vision for the future of the City and our blueprint for the next 10 years.

    The plan will be developed as part of the State Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework which aims to improve the ability of all local governments to plan for the future needs of their communities and to deliver sustainable services as effectively and efficiently as possible.

    The Strategic Community Plan is the first step in developing an Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework for the City and as it includes extensive input from stakeholders and the community is an important foundation.

    The Strategic Community Plan is used by the City to assist in developing a series of other plans and strategies, including the City’s Corporate Business Plan, Long-Term Financial Plan and Operational Plan. 

    What is Vision 2027?

    Vision 2027 is the name for the stakeholder and community engagement component that will assist in the development of the 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan. 

    The City of South Perth is currently using Vision 2027 as a basis for the development of a Strategic Community Plan, a statutory requirement of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.

    How is the City of South Perth Strategic Community Plan being developed?

    The City of South Perth is currently seeking community input into the Strategic Community Plan to ensure that the new plan reflects the vision and priorities of the whole community. 

    The City encourages you to get involved.

    How can I have input?

    You can be part of Vision 2027 by commenting on the draft Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027 during the public consultation period (July 2017) .

    What happens with my input?

    All feedback will be considered and the final Plan will be presented to Council for adoption in August 2017.

    What is the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework?

    In August 2011, the Department of Local Government introduced the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The Framework requires local governments to engage with their community to establish a vision that will frame the priorities and objectives into the future and through the Strategic Community Plan.

    The City of South Perth’s first Strategic Community Plan was adopted in 2012, and the plan had a minor review in 2014. Currently through the Vision 2027 process, the City is obtaining community and stakeholder input which will be articulated in the City of South Perth’s 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan. 

    The Corporate Business Plan is a key component of the City’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. It details the services, operations and projects the City of South Perth will deliver and articulates the commitment to activating the City of South Perth’s 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan.

    The below diagram depicts the components that make up the City of South Perth’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. It shows the interaction between the plans, the influence of the informing strategies and the strategic enablers, with emphasis given to a mutual informing relationship. 

    The intent of the Framework above is to ensure the priorities and services provided by the City of South Perth are aligned with community vision, needs and aspirations.  The strategic enablers allow rigour to be applied, taking into account available resources to deliver the best possible outcomes for our community. 

    Why are you reviewing the Strategic Community Plan now, when it was reviewed in 2014, and how often will it be reviewed?

    The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework requires a part review of the Strategic Community Plan every two years and a full review of the Strategic Community Plan every four years.

    In between reviews, the City will monitor the plan to track the progress towards achieving the objectives.

    As part of each two year review, the city will report to the community and stakeholders against the strategies in plan, providing an update on its progress.