- Ask us a question and we’ll either answer on the project page, or we’ll email you directly.
- Contact the City on 9474 0777.
What is a Safe Active Street?
A Safe Active Street is a bike route on a quiet local street, where speeds have been reduced to 30 km/h to allow for a safer shared street space. With lower traffic speeds, the street becomes much safer for people of all ages and abilities who are riding a bike or walking, as well as for people driving. Safe Active Streets are made visible by their special road markings and raised plateaus or red asphalt at intersections.
Why have you selected part of the route to be Safe Active Streets?
The section of the route from the South Perth Foreshore to Canning Highway has been selected to be Safe Active Streets as the roads have lower traffic speeds and volumes and there is the possibility for vehicles to share the space with people riding bikes.
What is a protected bike lane?
Protected bike lanes are bike lanes that physically separate people riding bikes from people driving vehicles. Kerbs will be used to separate the two lanes of traffic. Protected bike lanes improve cyclist safety.
Why have you selected part of the route to be protected bike lanes?
The section of the route from Canning Highway, along Douglas Avenue and Hayman Road, to Kent Street has been selected for protected bike lanes as there are higher traffic volumes travelling at higher speeds, with no parking. The City is looking to improve on the established bike lanes by physically separating cyclists from other road users.
What will the protected bike lanes on Tate Street and Hayman Road look like?
On the section of Tate Street (from Mill Point Road to Lawler Street), the City is proposing to install a two-way protected bike lane (also known as a two-way cycle track or bi-directional cycle lane) on the eastern side, with kerbs physically separating cyclists from parked cars. Red asphalt will be used to create a visual difference to the road surface.
The City will relocate the existing car parking east of Tate Street to the west of the buffer of the two-way protected bike lane.
On Hayman Road, the existing single bike lanes flow in the direction of traffic. The City is proposing to improve the existing bike lanes by physically separating cyclists from other road users by installing kerbs.
You can see what a protected bike lane looks like and how it works in practice by visiting Mill Point Road between Coode Street and Tate Street.
Will street trees be affected?
Existing street trees will not be removed as part of this project.
Will street parking be affected?
Any reduction in street parking will be kept to a minimum.
What is the Safe Active Streets Program?
The Safe Active Streets Program is designed to provide a safer and easier route for people who have chosen to ride, walk or drive a vehicle in WA. It is a joint initiative between the Department of Transport and local governments.
Visit the Department of Transport’s website to find out more about the Safe Active Streets Program.
What are the next steps?
Subject to feedback, the City will apply for grant funding from the Western Australian Bicycle Network Grants Program to further develop the design.
How would the bike link be funded?
The feasibility and concept design has been jointly funded by the Department of Transport and the City of South Perth. Subject to feedback, the City will apply for grant funding from the Western Australian Bicycle Network Grants Program to further develop the design.
How can I ask questions about the project?
Provide your feedback before 4pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024.