Does the City have a Town Planning Scheme?

    Yes. The City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme No. 6  sets out the way land is to be used and developed, classifies areas for land use and includes provisions to coordinate infrastructure and development within the local government area. 

    What is the objective of the City's Town Planning Scheme?

    The overriding objective of the Town Planning Scheme is to require and encourage performance-based development in each of the 15 precincts of the City in a manner which retains and enhances the attributes of the City and recognises individual precinct objectives and desired future character as specified in the Precinct Plan for each precinct.

    The general objectives of the Town Planning Scheme are to:

    • Maintain the City’s predominantly residential character and amenity
    • Introduce performance-based controls supported by planning policies and Precinct Plans
    • Facilitate a diversity of dwelling styles and densities in appropriate locations on the basis of achieving performance-based objectives which retain the desired streetscape character and, in the older areas of the district, the existing built form character
    • Establish a community identity and ‘sense of community’ both at a City and precinct level and to encourage more community consultation in the decision-making process
    • Ensure community aspirations and concerns are addressed through Scheme controls
    • Safeguard and enhance the amenity of residential areas and ensure that new development is in harmony with the character and scale of existing residential development
    • Protect residential areas from the encroachment of inappropriate uses
    • Utilise and build on existing community facilities and services and make more efficient and effective use of new services and facilities
    • Create a hierarchy of commercial centres according to their respective designated functions, so as to meet the various shopping and other commercial needs of the community
    • In all commercial centres, promote an appropriate range of land uses consistent with the designated function of each centre as set out in the Local Commercial Strategy and the preservation of the amenity of the locality
    • Recognise and preserve areas, buildings and sites of heritage value and
    • Recognise and facilitate the continued presence of significant regional land uses within the City and minimise the conflict between such land use and local precinct planning.

    How often is the City's Town Planning Scheme reviewed?

    In line with the Planning and Development Act 2005, the City will review the Town Planning Scheme every five years to address how the Scheme is serving the interests of the community. 

    How can I provide the most useful feedback?

    The most useful feedback will include rationale or reasoning and appropriate alternatives to address the issue raised. For example if you think that a particular aspect of the proposed amendment should be changed, please tell us and suggest how the proposed amendment can be modified to respond. This allows the City to assess the comment and make a clear recommendation.

    What is a scheme amendment?

    When a change is proposed or made to the Town Planning Scheme, it is referred to as a Scheme Amendment. These changes can be proposed by landowners, the City itself or State Government agencies.

    Why would the City propose a scheme amendment?

    Scheme amendments occur for a variety of reasons including:

    ·  A change in zoning to accommodate development

    ·  A change in the residential density coding to increase residential density

    ·  A change in the Scheme’s wording to ensure more effective planning

    ·  To implement the strategic vision of the Local Planning Strategy

    ·  To ensure orderly and proper planning.

    Are all changes to the City's Town Planning Scheme available for comment?

    Yes. The Town Planning Regulations require that most Scheme Amendment proposals are advertised for community comment for a minimum period of 42 days, during which written submissions are invited. 

    To comment on an advertised Scheme Amendment, visit the Scheme Amendment page on the City’s Your Say South Perth engagement portal.

    All submissions will be assessed in detail by City Planning Officers, who will report and recommend to the Council on each comment contained in the submissions. The Council will then recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and the Minister on the submissions and the Amendment proposal.