Public Art Masterplan

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The Public Art Masterplan has been finalised and is available to view on the City's website.


The City has been developing the Public Art Masterplan to create a new strategic approach to managing the current public art in the City as well as future public art works and projects.

The City began engaging with the community with a survey in March 2020, which (due to COVID-19) reopened again in June 2020. This was followed by additional targeted surveys and workshops in late 2020 to seek detailed input from the community and industry professionals involved in public art projects. All the feedback has helped to inform the vision, principles and objectives in the draft Masterplan.

Over the past year, the City has drawn upon the invaluable data contributed by participants in these engagement activities to develop and refine the draft Masterplan.

Give us your feedback on the draft Masterplan

We’d like to know what you think of the draft. This is the final stage in the development of the Masterplan before it is implemented.

How can I get involved?

We have two separate feedback forms, one for community members and one for industry professionals who are involved in public art projects and may use the more technical sections of the document. Please complete the feedback form/s most relevant to you. (If you are an industry professional as well as an interested community member, you are welcome to complete both forms.)

Hard copies of the feedback forms are available at the Civic Centre and Manning and South Perth libraries.

Feedback closed at 4pm, Monday 11 April 2022.

The Public Art Masterplan has been finalised and is available to view on the City's website.


The City has been developing the Public Art Masterplan to create a new strategic approach to managing the current public art in the City as well as future public art works and projects.

The City began engaging with the community with a survey in March 2020, which (due to COVID-19) reopened again in June 2020. This was followed by additional targeted surveys and workshops in late 2020 to seek detailed input from the community and industry professionals involved in public art projects. All the feedback has helped to inform the vision, principles and objectives in the draft Masterplan.

Over the past year, the City has drawn upon the invaluable data contributed by participants in these engagement activities to develop and refine the draft Masterplan.

Give us your feedback on the draft Masterplan

We’d like to know what you think of the draft. This is the final stage in the development of the Masterplan before it is implemented.

How can I get involved?

We have two separate feedback forms, one for community members and one for industry professionals who are involved in public art projects and may use the more technical sections of the document. Please complete the feedback form/s most relevant to you. (If you are an industry professional as well as an interested community member, you are welcome to complete both forms.)

Hard copies of the feedback forms are available at the Civic Centre and Manning and South Perth libraries.

Feedback closed at 4pm, Monday 11 April 2022.

The project has concluded. If you have any questions, please contact the City at

Do you have any questions about the Public Art Masterplan? Ask them here! We'll either answer it on this page (and send you an email) or we'll answer you directly.

  • Share Hi there - I saw on the master plan that there is the potential for public art on private property. My rear fence backs onto Morris Mundy and would be ideal for art work to be painted on it. Is this something I can talk to someone at the council about? on Facebook Share Hi there - I saw on the master plan that there is the potential for public art on private property. My rear fence backs onto Morris Mundy and would be ideal for art work to be painted on it. Is this something I can talk to someone at the council about? on Twitter Share Hi there - I saw on the master plan that there is the potential for public art on private property. My rear fence backs onto Morris Mundy and would be ideal for art work to be painted on it. Is this something I can talk to someone at the council about? on Linkedin Email Hi there - I saw on the master plan that there is the potential for public art on private property. My rear fence backs onto Morris Mundy and would be ideal for art work to be painted on it. Is this something I can talk to someone at the council about? link

    Hi there - I saw on the master plan that there is the potential for public art on private property. My rear fence backs onto Morris Mundy and would be ideal for art work to be painted on it. Is this something I can talk to someone at the council about?

    Peter Reynolds asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your query. The City is always interested to hear about potential sites for the installation of public art, and delighted to hear from people in our community who are interested in being involved and supporting public art outcomes around the City. The best way to start these conversations is by contacting the City’s Arts Officer by calling 9474 0777, or emailing

  • Share Is this survey open to people outside the City of South Perth boundary? One does not have to live in that vicinity to be aware of the need for these projects. I live North of the line, but I am a member of the WA Poetry group to which you sent your request/letter on Facebook Share Is this survey open to people outside the City of South Perth boundary? One does not have to live in that vicinity to be aware of the need for these projects. I live North of the line, but I am a member of the WA Poetry group to which you sent your request/letter on Twitter Share Is this survey open to people outside the City of South Perth boundary? One does not have to live in that vicinity to be aware of the need for these projects. I live North of the line, but I am a member of the WA Poetry group to which you sent your request/letter on Linkedin Email Is this survey open to people outside the City of South Perth boundary? One does not have to live in that vicinity to be aware of the need for these projects. I live North of the line, but I am a member of the WA Poetry group to which you sent your request/letter link

    Is this survey open to people outside the City of South Perth boundary? One does not have to live in that vicinity to be aware of the need for these projects. I live North of the line, but I am a member of the WA Poetry group to which you sent your request/letter

    mick asked about 4 years ago

    Hi there. Thanks for your question. We absolutely welcome responses from anyone who has experience and/or has an interest in public art that is in the City of South Perth, whether they live in the City or not. We recognise that public art is important for locals and visitors to the City and we are keen for input into our new Public Art Masterplan from as many people as possible.

Page last updated: 01 Aug 2023, 09:17 AM