Frequently asked questions
- Ask us a question online and we’ll either answer you on the project page or email you directly
- Call the Strategic Planning Team on 9474 0777 or make a request on the City's website (External link)
- Make an appointment with a Strategic Planner
What are local planning policies?
Local planning policies (LPPs) are guidelines used to assist the City in making decisions under the local planning scheme. They can relate to a number of different town planning matters within the City including procedures, land use, and design guidelines.
What will happen to Policy P350.18 – Short Term Accommodation?
Policy P350.18 – Short Term Accommodation (External link) will still apply until a new policy replaces it and it is revoked. The City will have regard to the existing and draft LPP when assessing applications.
Will the draft LPP – Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation be applied retrospectively?
No, although any Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation that is operating without approval will be required to obtain approval, at which point they will be assessed against the new LPP if adopted by Council.
Will adopting the LPP mean there will be an increase in Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation and therefore a reduction in places available for rent in the longer term residential rental market?
Whilst Council can refuse an application for Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation application on planning grounds, including those contained within the Policy, this does not necessarily mean that the landowner will then chose to lease the property. This is a matter beyond the remit of local governments.
Will the draft LPP reduce the number/likelihood of an Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation being recommended for approval?
The draft LPP may reduce the number of Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation applications by more clearly articulating the City’s expectations for Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation and instances where it should be supported, although each application is assessed on its individual merits. Where a proposal is incapable of meeting these requirements, proponents will be less likely to apply for approval.
What are the consultation requirements for LPPs?
The consultation requirements for LPPs are set out in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (1.5 MB, pdf) and the City's Local Planning Policy - Advertising of Planning Proposals. New LPPs and major amendments to existing LPPs are required to be advertised for a minimum of 21 days. Consultation is not required for minor amendments to LPPs or LPPs that are revoked by Council.
Where can I find the City’s current local planning policies (LPPs)?
The City’s LPPs are available online on the City’s website (External link).
How can I ask questions about draft Local Planning Policy - Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation?
How can I provide my feedback?
You can provide your feedback by completing the online feedback form. Hard copy feedback forms are available at the Civic Centre and South Perth and Manning libraries.
Information and documents on this page are available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the City on 9474 0777 or (External link) for assistance, including help with providing your feedback.
What will happen with my feedback?
Your feedback will be carefully considered as part of the process to finalise a draft LPP and it is presented to Council for adoption. If you make a submission, we will let you know when the policy will be considered by Council.