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  • Share Will you, in line with other councils, be providing funding / grants / rebate / financial support to enable residents to build a catio (cat-proof enclosure) on their property to prevent cats from roaming and damaging wildlife / causing nuisance? on Facebook Share Will you, in line with other councils, be providing funding / grants / rebate / financial support to enable residents to build a catio (cat-proof enclosure) on their property to prevent cats from roaming and damaging wildlife / causing nuisance? on Twitter Share Will you, in line with other councils, be providing funding / grants / rebate / financial support to enable residents to build a catio (cat-proof enclosure) on their property to prevent cats from roaming and damaging wildlife / causing nuisance? on Linkedin Email Will you, in line with other councils, be providing funding / grants / rebate / financial support to enable residents to build a catio (cat-proof enclosure) on their property to prevent cats from roaming and damaging wildlife / causing nuisance? link

    Will you, in line with other councils, be providing funding / grants / rebate / financial support to enable residents to build a catio (cat-proof enclosure) on their property to prevent cats from roaming and damaging wildlife / causing nuisance?

    Olivia asked 3 months ago

    Hello and thanks for asking a question. At this stage, the City does not propose introducing any funding/grants/rebate or financial support towards cat enclosures.