What is meant by some of the terms used in the feedback form and Information Document?

    A number of terms are used in the feedback form and Information Document that may require a definition or explanation. These terms are described below.

    Setback – refers to the distance between a building and the boundary of a lot/site.

    H4, H8, M10, M15 – refers to the typical zoning (either H for ‘Residential’ or M for ‘Mixed use’) and the typical height of buildings in storeys (four, eight, 10 or 15 storeys). For example, a site in the ‘M10’ zone can be ‘mixed use’ (involving both residential and non-residential uses) up to 10 storeys. A building in the ‘H4’ zone would typically be residential up to four storeys.

    Building depth – refers to the horizontal distance across the building measured from wall to wall and including balconies.

    Colonnade - refers to when the upper levels of the building extend further towards the street/over the top of the ground floor area to create an area of covered courtyard, walkway or similar. 

    Deep soil areas – refers to an area of a site set aside with a soil depth/volume sufficient enough to allow trees to grow to maturity.

    Podium – refers to the lower portions of a building built close to and sometimes on boundaries (typically street boundaries) that are clearly differentiated from a tower above. 

    Solar access/overshadowing – refers to the availability of sunlight to dwellings, habitable rooms (bedrooms, living areas) and outdoor spaces (balconies etc) within a development and to adjoining sites.

    State Planning Policy 7.3 (Apartment Codes) – refers to codes adopted by the State Government that apply to the assessment of apartments in most areas of Perth. These codes do not currently apply within the CBACP. The proposed changes would apply some parts of these codes to new buildings in the CBACP.

    Green Star design rating – refers to the sustainability rating awarded to a building by the Green Building Council of Australia. The Green Star rating system evaluates the sustainability of a building having regard to elements like indoor air quality, energy use, sustainable transport, water conservation and building materials.

    Desired outcome statement – refers to statements within the CBACP document that must be considered by the decision maker when determining a development application.

    What is the Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan (CBACP)?

    The CBACP is a guide for development in the precinct surrounding the Canning Bridge Station, on both sides of the Canning River within both the City of South Perth and City of Melville. The precinct extends for an 800 metre radius around the station, representing a ten-minute walk or a two-minute cycling distance. The CBACP was established to support development of the precinct with a mix of office, retail, residential, recreational and cultural uses, maximising opportunities offered by its unique transport hub location.

    How was the CBACP developed?

    The CBACP was the result of a collaborative effort by the City of South Perth and the City of Melville, the Department of Transport, the Public Transport Authority, Main Roads WA and the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).

    The CBACP is underpinned by considerable analysis of the stations and surrounds, urban growth projections and traffic management. It was finalised in 2016 after an extensive study period and stakeholder and community engagement over several years, and has been in operation since 2017.

    What elements are covered in the CBACP?

    The CBACP includes planning guidelines for elements such as height, setbacks, parking and open space  for all lots within the Activity Centre Plan area. This document replaces the provisions that would normally apply such as those in the R-Codes. 

    Will the review cover the entire CBACP area, including the City of Melville?

    No. The current review is being undertaken by the City of South Perth and will only take into account the land on the eastern side of the Canning River, within the City of South Perth. The land on the western side of Canning River is within the City of Melville and will not be affected by this review. The City of Melville conducts its own reviews as required. All stakeholders continue to work together to ensure any changes remain consistent with the overall vision and objectives of the CBACP.

    The Canning Bridge Activity Centre within the City of South Perth is shown below, outlined in the black dashed line.

    Why are we reviewing the CBACP?

    When the CBACP was adopted in May 2015, the Council also resolved to review and update the plan as the Canning Bridge area developed. The CBACP has been in operation now for two years and the City is proactively undertaking a review to make sure that the plan is operating in accordance with its goals and objectives.

    This is your chance to share thoughts, ideas and expectations to help the City ensure that the plan can deliver on its vision.

    What is the ‘vision’ for the CBACP area?

    The development of the CBACP was based on the following vision, which was adopted by the City of South Perth and the City of Melville in 2010:

    ‘The Canning Bridge area will evolve to become a unique, vibrant, creative community centred on the integrated transport node of the Canning Bridge rail station. The area will be recognised by its unique location, its integrated mix of office, retail, residential, recreational and cultural uses that create areas of excitement, the promotion of its local heritage and as a pedestrian friendly enclave that integrates with the regional transport networks while enhancing the natural attractions of the Swan and Canning Rivers.’

    Are we ‘redoing’ the CBACP?

    No, we’re not redoing the CBACP. The review will investigate the priorities and key issues for the community, applicants and the City of South Perth to identify any improvements that could be made. The feedback will inform recommendations for amendments to the CBACP.

    What elements of the CBACP are being considered?

    We are seeking feedback on all elements of the CBACP that apply to the City of South Perth to ensure we have meaningful understanding of user experiences of the CBACP. The feedback we receive will set the agenda for more detailed discussions. The key elements will be determined through surveys, focus groups and from previous submissions and reports.

    What are population growth targets and how are they relevant?

    Perth and Peel @ 3.5 Million projects a population of 3.5 million in the Metropolitan Region by 2050, with additional population growth continuing beyond that time. The City of South Perth is expected to grow strongly, owing to its ideal location near the Perth CBD. 

    Having a plan for growth is critical for managing both the benefits and consequences of the additional population and the City has been modernising its planning system to accommodate this future growth. The CBACP has been developed to proactively respond to this challenge and this Review seeks to ensure the objectives of the plan continue to be delivered into the future.

    When will development start / CBACP be implemented?

    The CBACP is already in effect. The CBACP defines the planning guidelines for what development can occur but it does not mandate that development must occur. The CBACP has no power to make anyone develop their land or require anyone to sell their land. Many changes to the existing area will occur over time, because individual property owners can develop at their own pace. It is expected that the development of the precinct in accordance with the CBACP will occur slowly over the next 30-40 years.

    How can I get involved?

    You can read the Information Document and complete the feedback form online by 5pm, Wednesday 27 November. Alternatively, hard copies are available at the City's libraries and Civic Centre.

    How can I keep up to date with this project?

    You will find updates on the project here on Your Say South Perth and on the City of South Perth website. When you complete the feedback form or attend one of the information and feedback sessions, you will also be able to indicate that you would like to receive email updates about this project.