Planning Policies

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The City’s policies are reviewed annually in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995.

The City's Planning Policies go out for public consultation in accordance with City Policy P301 and the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

Amendments are required to planning policies for a number of reasons such as changes in other government policy (for example the Residential Design Codes). Only policies that are amended are advertised for public comment.

Planning policies currently open for public comment through formal submissions are listed below:

The City’s policies are reviewed annually in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995.

The City's Planning Policies go out for public consultation in accordance with City Policy P301 and the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

Amendments are required to planning policies for a number of reasons such as changes in other government policy (for example the Residential Design Codes). Only policies that are amended are advertised for public comment.

Planning policies currently open for public comment through formal submissions are listed below:

  • The comment period has now closed.

    The City of South Perth has resolved to advertise a new local planning policy P322 - Exempt Land Uses.

    Proposed local planning policy P322 will exempt the need for planning approval for low-risk land uses to occur in existing building in certain locations. This will support and encourage more commercial activity and provide greater flexibility to landowners and businesses.

    To view the draft policy, visit Policies Out For Comment on the right hand side of this page.

    How can I give my feedback?

    Comments should be submitted in one of the following ways:

    • Through the online feedback form below (preferred)
    • By mail, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of South Perth Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth WA 6151.

    Feedback period closes 5pm, Tuesday 28 April 2020

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  • The out for comment period has now closed.
    The City of South Perth has resolved to advertise a new local planning policy P350.19: Planning Compliance.

    Proposed local planning policy P350.19 will provide guidance to the City administration and the local community as to the process of dealing with complaints on planning matters. The policy will ensure that any alleged non-compliance is investigated in a fair, transparent, and equitable manner. The policy also outlines circumstances in which the City will and will not take action on an alleged non-compliance.

    To view the proposed policy, visit 'Policies Out For Comment' on the right hand side of this page.

    Feedback period is open until 5pm, 10 February 2020

    How can I give my feedback?

    Comments should be submitted one of the following ways:

    • Through the online feedback form below (preferred)
    • By mail, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of South Perth Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth WA 6151.

    Feedback period closes 5pm, 10 February 2020

    Share Proposed Local Planning Policy P350.19: Planning Compliance on Facebook Share Proposed Local Planning Policy P350.19: Planning Compliance on Twitter Share Proposed Local Planning Policy P350.19: Planning Compliance on Linkedin Email Proposed Local Planning Policy P350.19: Planning Compliance link
  • The out for comment period has now closed.
    The City of South Perth has resolved to modify the existing local planning policy P303 Design Review Panel.

    Policy P303 provides guidelines for the selection and appointment of members to the Design Review Panel (DRP), its operation, and reporting and recommendations of the DRP. The existing policy has been reviewed to align the policy and terms of reference with the best practice for design review, as described in the ‘Design Review Guide’ recently released by the Western Australian Planning Commission.

    To view the revised policy and associated documents, visit Policies out for Comment on the right hand side of this page.

    Feedback period is open until 5pm, Monday 14 October 2019.

    How can I give my feedback?

    Comments should be submitted one of the following ways:

    • Through the online feedback form below (preferred)
    • By email to with reference to ‘Draft Modified Policy P303’ noted in the email subject
    • By mail, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of South Perth Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth WA 6151.

    Feedback period closes 5pm, Monday 14 October 2019.

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  • The out for comment period has now closed.
    The City of South Perth has resolved to prepare a new draft local planning policy P320, Assessment of Significant Obstruction of Views in Precinct 13 - Salter Point.

    Draft policy P320 aims to provide guidance to ensure that all development applications are dealt with in a consistent manner. The draft policy includes objectives and development criteria to guide assessment. The overall intent of the draft policy is to provide an appropriate balance of certainty and flexibility for the assessment of development applications in this precinct.

    How can I give my feedback?

    Comments should be submitted one of the following ways:

    • Through the online feedback form below (preferred)
    • By email to link) with reference to ‘Draft Policy P320’ noted in the email subject
    • By mail, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of South Perth Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth WA 6151.

    Feedback period closes 4pm, Friday 14 December 2018

    Share Draft P320, Assessment of Significant Obstruction of Views in Precinct 13 - Salter Point on Facebook Share Draft P320, Assessment of Significant Obstruction of Views in Precinct 13 - Salter Point on Twitter Share Draft P320, Assessment of Significant Obstruction of Views in Precinct 13 - Salter Point on Linkedin Email Draft P320, Assessment of Significant Obstruction of Views in Precinct 13 - Salter Point link
  • The out for comment period has now closed.

    The City of South Perth has resolved to prepare a new draft local planning policy P350.18 Short term accommodation.

    Policy P350.18 provides a consolidated criteria and consistent approach for the assessment of planning applications involving land uses to provide short term accommodation for tourists. This includes land uses defined in the City’s Town Planning Scheme No. 6 such as ‘Bed and Breakfast’ and ‘Serviced Apartments’, amongst other uses.  

    To view the revised policy and associated documents, visit the documents section.

    Submissions will be received until 5pm, Wednesday 7 February 2018.  

    Your submission should include:

    • comments either supporting or opposing the proposals, or suggesting particular ways in which you believe that the proposed Policy should be modified;
    • reasons for your opinion, or other discussion to explain your comments; and
    • your name and postal address, to enable the City to respond to your submission and to advise you of the final outcome of the process.

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  • The out for comment period has now closed.

    The City has revised Policy P317 and it is now available for comment.

    To view the revised policy and associated documents, visit the documents section.

    Submissions will be received until 5pm, Tuesday 12 December 2017.  

    Your submission should include:

    • comments either supporting or opposing the proposals, or suggesting particular ways in which you believe that the revised Policy should be modified;
    • reasons for your opinion, or other discussion to explain your comments; and
    • your name and postal address, to enable the City to respond to your submission and to advise you of the final outcome of the process.

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  • The out for comment period has now closed.

    The City invites comments on a proposed new Policy P350.17 Site Works. The new policy provides criteria for site works on development sites that previously formed part of P350.07.

    To view the revised policy and associated documents, visit the documents section.

    Submissions will be received until 5pm, Wednesday 11 October 2017.  

    Your submission should include:

    • comments either supporting or opposing the proposals, or suggesting particular ways in which you believe that the proposed Policy should be modified;
    • reasons for your opinion, or other discussion to explain your comments; and
    • your name and postal address, to enable the City to respond to your submission and to advise you of the final outcome of the process.

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  • The out for comment period has now closed.

    The City has revised P350.02 Lot boundary setbacks (walls built to boundaries) and provides criteria additional to the criteria of the Residential Design Codes relating to walls built up to boundaries.

    To view the revised policy and associated documents, visit the documents section.

    Submissions will be received until 5pm, Wednesday 11 October 2017.  

    Your submission should include:

    • comments either supporting or opposing the proposals, or suggesting particular ways in which you believe that the revised Policy should be modified;
    • reasons for your opinion, or other discussion to explain your comments; and
    • your name and postal address, to enable the City to respond to your submission and to advise you of the final outcome of the process.

    Share Revised Policy P350.02 Lot boundary setbacks (walls built to boundaries) on Facebook Share Revised Policy P350.02 Lot boundary setbacks (walls built to boundaries) on Twitter Share Revised Policy P350.02 Lot boundary setbacks (walls built to boundaries) on Linkedin Email Revised Policy P350.02 Lot boundary setbacks (walls built to boundaries) link
  • The out for comment period has now closed.

    The City has revised policy Policy P350.07 Street walls and fences and provides criteria for the assessment of walls and fences in street setback areas (front and side-street fences).

    To view the revised policy and associated documents, visit the documents section.

    Submissions will be received until 5pm, Wednesday 11 October 2017.  

    Your submission should include:

    • comments either supporting or opposing the proposals, or suggesting particular ways in which you believe that the revised Policy should be modified;
    • reasons for your opinion, or other discussion to explain your comments; and
    • your name and postal address, to enable the City to respond to your submission and to advise you of the final outcome of the process.

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Page last updated: 27 Jan 2022, 01:38 PM