Project update - October 2019
As per the update in June 2019, the City developed a revised design to allow nutrient stripping
and sedimentation to occur in the north lake prior to the stormwater running
into the south lake via the open drain and included some wetland and dryland
plantings to accommodate grant requirements
The revised design was presented at a meeting with a number of the petitioners,
City staff and a Councillor in attendance. Community members requested the
exclusion of all dryland plantings from the plan and that the existing open
stormwater drain adjacent to the north lake remain untouched. They also
required that wetland plantings only be located on the south side of the lake
near the stormwater outlet.
This feedback was considered by the project partners, including the City, SERCUL,
Water Corporation and Perth NRM. The project partners determined that taking
these requirements into account would mean the project no longer meets grant
funding requirements. As a result, the project has been cancelled and remaining
funds reallocated to another project.
This project is now closed. Please see the news article below for an update.