Stage 1: Broad engagement
Stage 1 of the stakeholder engagement process took place during September and October 2024, with several activities to encourage participation from a broad cross-section of stakeholders and the community.
Find out more
- An online and hard copy survey was available from 10 September to 14 October 2024.
- We held two family-friendly, pop-up events on:
- Wednesday 18 September, 4-7pm, John McGrath Pavilion, 97 Hensman St, South Perth
- Saturday 5 October, 9am-1pm, Sir James Mitchell Park near Hurlingham playground
- The Ideas Space was open to share your favourite urban greening photos.
The Ideas Space closed at 4pm, Thursday 31 October 2024. - Read the frequently asked questions
- Ask a question online
- Call 9474 0777 to get in touch with a member of the project team
- Sign up to receive email updates.
Thank you to everyone who provided their input and ideas. Stage 1 feedback is now complete.
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