- Internal interpretation and exhibition space
- Outdoor recreation and interpretation space
- Theaterette/lecture room
- Café/restaurant
- Office
- Public toilets
- Gift and souvenir shop.
What is the background to this project?
The 2015 South Perth Foreshore Strategy and Management Plan (SPF Plan) was developed to balance the competing demands for use, development and management of this metropolitan regional reserve with the need to conserve and enhance a functional healthy river and foreshore environment.
The City of South Perth engaged extensively with the community and stakeholders in the development of the SPF Plan to improve the amenity, access and sustainability of the reserve.
The SPF Plan identifies ten nodes, each with distinctive characteristics, opportunities and management issues, and strategies for each. Work has already been completed at Node 5: Mill Point in the Millers Pool area and planning is well advanced at Node 1: Mends Street (Piazza and Promenade).
Why is the Council looking at the proposed Westralian Centre as an option for this site?
What is the purpose of the Westralian Centre?
What would be included in the proposed Westralian Centre?
Will it have an impact on views to the City?
Is the design finalised?
How much would it cost and how would the project and the ongoing costs be funded?
The City plans to seek state, federal and private funding for the project, which is estimated to cost approximately $7 million based on initial design concepts. This cost is indicative and further work and planning is required for definitive costings.
It is proposed that the City will manage and maintain the Centre and be responsible for ongoing operating and maintenance costs during the lifetime of the building.
It can be expected that income will be derived from certain activities to offset a portion of those costs. The Westralian Centre would generate revenue from exhibitions, venue hire and the activities of the proposed café. The model for operating the Westralian Centre and its facilities will be examined also be prepared in the business case.
If approved, when would the proposed Westralian Centre be built?
The project is a proposal only at this stage. At the City’s February 2017 Council Meeting, the Council resolved to give in principle support to the proposed project and the City will now commence initial investigations and preparatory works, including a business case and stakeholder and community engagement on the concept.
The project is also reliant on securing state, federal and private funding, the timing for which is unknown at this stage.
Additionally there are a number of other approvals required and with detailed design, it can be expected that project development would take at least another 12 months.
How does the City plan to manage traffic and parking?
The City is conscious that additional parking would need to be provided to accommodate an increase in visitors to the area. The proposal is currently a concept only. Should funding and support for the progression of the project be secured, comprehensive traffic management and parking provision plans would be provided in the Development Application process, along with further opportunities for public comment.
How will the City accommodate the extra parking that would be required for visitors to this destination?
Has any consultation been undertaken with military associations and groups?
Has any consultation been undertaken with Indigenous people/groups?
What are the next steps?
The questionnaire on the proposed Westralian Centre will close at 5pm on Friday 2 June 2017.
Once all stakeholder feedback has been analysed and collated, the findings will be presented to Council as part of the further decision making process.