Council resolves not to progress proposed Westralian Centre concept
At the City of South Perth’s Council Meeting held on 27 June 2017, the Council resolved not to progress the Westralian Centre concept as proposed at Node 9 on Sir James Mitchell Park, South Perth.
At the meeting the Council considered a progress report on the proposed Centre’s business case, community and stakeholder consultation outcomes, site and management investigations and potential external capital funding sources.
Prior to the Council Meeting, the local community and broader Western Australian community were given the opportunity to express their opinions on the proposed concept during consultation undertaken by the City in May and June 2017. There was a high level of community interest and participation, with more than 1100 members of the public taking part in an independent survey and over 400 people completing the questionnaire on the City’s online engagement portal Your Say South Perth.
The City thanks everyone who contributed feedback, thoughts and opinions in response to the proposed concept.
At the June Council Meeting, Council resolved to:
- Note the Business Case analysis prepared by Pracsys;
- Note the independent survey results conducted by Thinkfield / Clarity Communications, which indicated that there were a majority of people in the City of South Perth and broader Western Australia that support the Westralian Centre concept and design;
- Note the Your Say South Perth questionnaire result which indicates that a majority of respondents, primarily from the City of South Perth, are not in favour of the proposed Westralian Centre concept and design at Foreshore Node 9: Flagpole;
- Note the City of South Perth stakeholder engagement conducted with identified parties that indicates support for the uses and nature of the Westralian Centre concept;
- Note the motions passed at the 8 June 2017 Special Electors Meeting that expressed opposition to the proposed Westralian Centre concept;
- Resolve not to progress the Westralian Centre concept as proposed at Node 9 on Sir James Mitchell Park and its Foreshore at Node 9. This should be a public open space for recreation with no permanent commercial buildings;
- Resolve to progress the South Perth Foreshore Strategy and Management Plan for Node 9 in accordance with the Strategies identified in the Plan as a Landscape Architectural expression and in consultation with the community;
- Establish a Reference Group whose role will be to assist in the implementation of an endorsed Plan for Node 9.
The City will continue to provide further updates regarding Node 9 and the establishment of a Reference Group via the City’s website.
Consultation has concluded