RAF Business Plan approved by Council
At the Special Council Meeting held on Monday 15 March, Council approved the Recreation and Aquatic Facility Business Plan and authorised the CEO to sign the $20 million Federal Government grant funding for the project.
The Business Plan formally acknowledges the City’s intention to enter into a ‘major land transaction’ and enables the City to build on Collier Park Golf Course.
The City will now continue to work towards securing the remaining funding for the RAF project. Once the funding has been secured and the total budget for the project is known, Council will make further decisions regarding the budget and the design of the RAF.
The Council has also endorsed the findings of the RAF Business Case Peer Review by Deloitte and Warren Green Consulting (WGC) noting that there are no 'fundamental barriers' to the RAF progressing to the next stage. Council requested that the areas of further development identified in the Review should be undertaken at the next stage of the project and reported back by July 2021.
Copies of the RAF Business Plan, Peer Review summary report and Project Definition Plan are available on the RAF project page of the City's website along with details of project milestones to date and relevant documents and reports.
At the Special Council Meeting on 15 March 2021, Council approved the Recreation and Aquatic Facility Business Plan and authorised the CEO to sign the $20 million Federal Government grant funding for the project.