Proposed changes to the policy

The proposed major changes and the reasons for these changes are:

Major Changes


Removal of the notification letters (information only letters) to adjoining properties

  • Gives the illusion of consultation where it is for information purposes only
  • Those likely to be affected by a proposal will be advertised to and have the opportunity to comment

Simplification of the advertising requirements through:

  • Having all minimum advertising requirements in one table
  • Consistent requirements for all application types with more guidance on increasing advertising scope/timeframes where necessary
  • Alignment with WALGA guidelines
  • Easier for the community to understand
  • Easier to administer in a fair and transparent way
  • Better guidance on varying the minimum advertising timeframes and minimum advertising areas will ensure that all potentially affected stakeholders are consulted.
  • Fairer and more consistent than the existing policy

Reduction in the minimum advertising area for some developments and change in the method for measuring the advertising area

  • Current policy considered to be excessive in advertising area and often doesn’t advertise to the people who are likely to be affected
  • Use of a radius will include more properties closer to the development than the existing model which is based on distance along streets

Removal of discussions around levels of engagement

  • Addressed by local policy P103 Stakeholder Engagement
  • Outdated information
  • Not relevant to most advertising

Remove advertising requirements for non-planning matters (dividing fences, renaming ROW’s, road closures, etc.)

  • Policy to focus on planning proposals only
  • Individual engagement plans for non-planning matters will be prepared for each project
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