Update - 22 October 2020
The following information is provided to ensure that the community is kept up to date about the progress of the Manning Hub Phase Two project.
As per the intended schedule, Manning Hub Phase Two construction works were advertised for tender in June 2020. Unfortunately, this process was unsuccessful with tenders exceeding the City’s budget.
A new procurement process is underway which will involve a staged approach for delivery of the works in an attempt to obtain value for money within the City’s budget and to progress the works as quickly as practicable.
Construction works, which will be scheduled once the contractors have been engaged, will start with the demolition of the former deli shop to create a laneway through to the Manning Community Facility, the library and James Miller Oval.
Whilst the start of works is dependent on the availability of the successful contractor, the City is eager to progress the project as soon as possible to integrate the old and new areas of the Hub and strengthen the ‘heart’ of Manning.
The Public Art Plan for the area has been finalised and has been published on the City's website. The Plan will coordinate new public art with pieces and concepts already at Manning Hub.