Update - 2 June 2020
Phase Two of the Manning Hub Masterplan will provide a link from Welwyn Avenue to the Manning Community facility and James Miller Oval with upgrades to the streetscape in and around Welwyn Avenue car park.
Following feedback from the community and key stakeholders, the concept design for Manning Hub Phase Two has been reviewed and technical investigations carried out which has resulted in a number of modifications to the design, including:
- A reduction in the number of feature pots and bollards due to technical considerations and to increase accessibility
- Extension of CCTV coverage within the precinct in the laneway and Welwyn Avenue car park
- Provision for activation of neighbouring shops into the former deli laneway
- Retention of current number of car bays in Welwyn Ave car park
- Engagement of artist to coordinate public art
In light of feedback received during stakeholder engagement, a review of access to the Right of Way behind the shops is taking place.
The Phase Two works have been advertised for tender, but the full scope of works will be subject to 2020/21 budget consideration scheduled for June.
An overview of the stakeholder engagement can be viewed in the document library.