What is a safe active street?

    A safe active street is a bike route on a quiet local street, where speeds have been reduced to 30 km/h to allow for a safer shared street space. With lower traffic speeds, the street becomes much safer for people of all ages and abilities who are riding a bike or walking, as well as for people driving. Safe active streets are designed to create safe, comfortable and welcoming environments for everyone using the space.

    What is the Safe Active Streets Program?

    The Safe Active Streets Program is designed to allow people who have chosen to ride, walk or drive a car to travel safer and easier in WA. It is a joint initiative between the Department of Transport and local governments.

    Visit the Department of Transport’s website to find out more about the Safe Active Streets Program.

    Why were Davilak Crescent, Godwin Avenue and Pether Road selected for the Safe Active Streets Program?

    As part of the Canning Bridge to Curtin Bike Link, Davilak Crescent, Godwin Avenue and Pether Road are proposed as safe active streets to reduce speed and provide a safe, shared street space. They are low volume roads with narrow carriageways making them suitable to be converted into safe active streets without major works.

    Will my driveway or verge be affected?

    No, driveways and verges will not be affected.

    Will street trees be affected?

    No, existing street trees will not be removed as part of this project. 

    Will street parking be affected?

    Street parking will not be affected other than on Davilak Crescent where the slow points are installed. Parking will still be available on the verge of the reserve on Davilak Crescent.

    Will the road width be narrowed?

    The road width will not be affected except on Davilak Crescent where two single lane slow points will be installed to further reduce the speed of vehicles using Davilak Crescent. View the final design map for exact locations of the single lane slow points (JPEG, 312 KB)

    What about the existing bike lanes on Davilak Street?

    The existing on-road bike lanes along Davilak Street from Canning Bridge to the roundabout at the corner of Neil McDougall Park will remain.

    What about Jackson Road?

    Jackson Road will be considered for improvements in the future.

    What is a shared path?

    It is a path shared by people who ride or walk, and part of a wider network plan to cater for commuters, and people who ride and/or walk for leisure.

    Why are we installing this shared path?

    This shared path will provide a safer bike riding alternative than Manning Road, providing a more pleasant environment for people who ride or walk. The path will link the safe active streets with George Burnett Leisure Centre, Farmers Market on Manning and Waterford Plaza, and onto Curtin University.

    What is detailed design?

    Detailed design is the technical drawing which contains all the information required for construction.

    When will the works be happening?

    Construction of the safe active streets and shared path will take place during the 2023/24 financial year, jointly funded by the Department of Transport and the City of South Perth. This will complete the Canning Bridge to Curtin University Bike Link.

    How can I ask questions about the project?