Funding secured for construction in 2023-2024
What has happened so far?
The City of South Perth asked for feedback from the community and stakeholders on the proposed safe active streets and shared path designs in March 2022, receiving comments from around 120 people through feedback forms and drop in sessions with project team members.
This feedback, along with a peer review of the designs by an expert panel, led to some minor changes and adjustments to the designs:
- To reduce speed along Davilak Crescent, as well as to discourage it from being used as a rat run, a speed hump will be installed east of Ley Street, along with a single lane slow point between Ley Street and Godwin Avenue, and another between Manning Road and Pether Road.
- A raised intersection will be included at the intersection of Davilak Crescent and Pether Road.
- Speed cushions will be installed at the entrance to the roundabouts on Ley Street and Davilak Crescent/Street, and Canavan Crescent and Godwin Avenue/Pether Road to slow down approaching vehicles.
- A footpath will be installed on the eastern side of Goss Avenue between Pether Road and Curtin Primary School, to improve safety for children and other people walking.
- The shared path parallel to Manning Road will be realigned so it comes to an end at Walanna Drive, where people riding can then transition to the existing bike lanes on Walanna Drive. From there, bike riders can enter the shopping centre car park or continue on to Curtin University via the Walanna Drive underpass and the Kent Street shared path.
A raised intersection will be installed at the Henley Street bend to provide a safer crossing between Godwin Avenue and the path linking to Murray Street and Jackson Road.
What is happening now?
The City has secured grant funding of $475,000 from the Department of Transport for construction of the safe active streets and shared path in the 2023/2024 financial year. This will complete the Canning Bridge to Curtin University Bike Link.

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