
    The Special Control Area known as the South Perth Station Precinct was created by Amendment No. 25 to Town Planning Scheme No. 6.  This Amendment was approved by the Minister for Planning in January 2013.  The Town Planning Scheme provisions provide for an increase in intensive commercial and multiple residential development, promoting employment opportunities adjacent to major public transport routes.

    Amendment No. 25 followed completion of the South Perth Station Precinct Study, which was carried out between 2007 and 2010 in response to successive State Government strategies aimed at providing for population growth up to 2031. These strategies promote activity centres and transit oriented development (TOD) containing a range of land uses and employment opportunities in particular activity centres.

    Amendment No. 46 ‘South Perth Station Precinct’

    Through assessment of development applications since the special provisions for the South Perth Station Precinct were introduced, a number of anomalies and ambiguities in these provisions came to light. The City initiated Scheme Amendment No. 46 to rectify these and to strengthen criteria for building height variations.  

    In March 2015, the City first advertised Amendment No. 46 for public comment. During this process, a number of other matters were raised in submissions. At a Special Council Meeting held on 27 October 2015, the Council considered the submissions and endorsed a number of significant modifications to Amendment No. 46 in response to community concerns.

    What effect does Scheme Amendment No. 46 have on current and future development applications?

    The advertised scheme amendment is not yet part of the Town Planning Scheme. However the Council or the Development Assessment Panel  must have due regard to this scheme amendment (to the extent that it is relevant)  when determining applications for planning approval.

Significant Modifications

    1. Reduction in the extent of Special Design Area

    [Refer to Plan 2 ‘Special Design Area’]

    Removal of the ‘Special Design Area’ designation from the following Mill Point Road properties:

    East side:  between Ferry Street and Frasers Lane; and

    West side: between Judd Street and Scott Street. 

    2. Creation of absolute height limits

    [Refer to Development Requirement 6.2 within Element 6 ‘Special Design Area’ of Table A]

    In the current Special Design Area, where there is no upper height limit where all required performance criteria in Table B are met. The modified provisions will impose absolute limits on the extent of a variation from the applicable basic building height limit. Under the modified provisions, it is proposed that building height would be constrained to no more than 100% above the applicable basic height limit. 

    3. Maximum 10% variation from minimum lot area and frontage

    [Refer to Development Requirement 6.1 within Element 6 of Table A]

    Under the current Town Planning Scheme provisions, building height variations are permissible on ‘under-sized’ lots if the Council is satisfied that the shortfall in area and frontage is minor. The term ‘minor’ is not defined.  In relation to such lots, the proposed modified provisions restrict the shortfall in area and frontage to not more than 10%.

    4. Increased street setbacks in certain streets

    [Refer to Development Requirement 7.3 within Element 7 ‘Relationship to the Street’ of Table A]

      Under the current provisions, on sites abutting Darley Street, Ferry Street, Frasers Lane, Judd Street (north side), Melville Parade north of Judd Street, Ray, Scott and Stone Streets, proposed buildings are required to be set back not less than 4 metres from the front boundary. Under the proposed modifications to Amendment No. 46, a 4 metre minimum front setback will also be required on sites abutting the following streets:

    ·  Bowman Street, except those lots in the Special Design Area;

    ·  Charles Street, except those lots in the Special Design Area;

    ·  Hardy Street, except those lots in the Special Design Area;

    ·  Mill Point Road, west side between Judd Street and Scott Street; and east side between Harper Terrace and Frasers Lane;

    5. Mandatory 1.5 minimum non-residential plot ratio

    [Refer to Development Requirement 3.2 within Element 3 ‘Plot Ratio and Land Use Proportions’ of Table A]

    Under the modified provisions, it is proposed that any development in the ‘Scott-Richardson’ and ‘Mends’ Sub-Precincts must have a non-residential component with a 1.5 minimum plot ratio, compared with the current 1.0 minimum.