Frequently Asked Questions
- Planner - The City will identify the community’s requirements for programs, services, projects and/or facilities that deliver access and inclusion outcomes, and ensures mechanisms are in place to meet these requirements.
- Supporter - The City will provide support for relevant stakeholders to stimulate local access and inclusion outcomes. This support could be delivered through a number of methods, such as providing in-kind support of a access and inclusion community program, service, or project; the provision of funding and/or providing access and inclusion information and resources.
- Partner - The City will partner with relevant stakeholders to achieve shared access and inclusion outcomes. These partnerships could be on an informal or formal basis as required.
- Coordinator - The City will bring together stakeholders to plan, deliver and evaluate access and inclusion community programs, services, projects and/or facility enhancement.
- Provider - The City will be solely responsible for the delivery of an access and inclusion community program, service, project and/or facility enhancement. Income and expenditure is determined by the City’s annual budget process.
- Ask us a question and we’ll either answer you on the project page, or email you directly.
- Email the City at or phone 9474 0777 and ask to speak to someone about the Access and Inclusion Plan.
Why does the City of South Perth need an Access and Inclusion Plan?
The Access and Inclusion Plan (AIP) will guide the City’s processes, activities and services, to ensure that we support people of all abilities and backgrounds to engage and connect within our community and help promote a feeling of belonging. The AIP also fulfils a legislative requirement for Local Governments in the Disability Services Act 1993, amended in 2004.
Who will the AIP benefit?
The AIP aims to benefit all people in the community, including, but not limited to, people with a disability, the elderly, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, disadvantaged people, and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It will also promote gender equality.
Who is responsible for the AIP?
The City is responsible for the overall implementation of the AIP. Some of the actions will be facilitated in partnership with State Government departments, local businesses, community organisations and residents.
How often will the AIP be reviewed?
The AIP will be reviewed at least once every five years. The review process includes consultation with stakeholders and the community across the City and is an important way for residents and community members to provide input into the City’s strategic planning.
What will be the City’s roles in implementing the Access and Inclusion Plan actions?
The City will undertake diverse roles in implementing the Access and Inclusion Plan actions, including:
What is the City’s role in access and inclusion?
The City’s role is to provide leadership and facilitation in establishing collaborative approaches and actions to enhance access and inclusion through the involvement of a number of stakeholders.
The City also coordinates the Inclusive Community Advisory Group (ICAG) which provides advice to the City about optimising access and inclusion within the local community.
The purpose of ICAG is to provide a forum to discuss access and inclusion that is relevant to the City and to provide representative community input and advice on items referred to the group by the City. The group also shares information with the community about the areas of access improvement in the City.
ICAG was established in 2009 and meets on a quarterly basis. Membership includes representatives from key service providers, the community, elected members and staff. Working collaboratively with multiple organisations and groups means that access and inclusion initiatives and projects can be carried out effectively across the City.
What will the City do with my feedback?
All feedback will be analysed and relevant changes made to the draft AIP, before being presented to Council in February 2023 for final endorsement.
How can I give my feedback?
You can provide your feedback by completing the online feedback form. Hard copy feedback forms are available at the Civic Centre and South Perth and Manning libraries.
Information and documents on this page are available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the City on 9474 0777 or for assistance, including help with providing your feedback.
How can I ask questions about the project?