Part B Kensington/South Perth Character study report available
As part of the second stage of the Canning Highway #ShapeOurPlace project, the City engaged consultants to undertake a detailed assessment of the character of Kensington and South Perth either side of Canning Highway between Berwick St and Douglas Ave.
The City invited comments on the draft Character Study report for Kensington/South Perth - Part A. Feedback closed on Friday 4 November 2016.
Based on the findings of Part A of the Character Study and engagement feedback, Part B of the Kensington/South Perth Character study is now complete and available to download.
The report provides recommendations for town planning provisions required to facilitate appropriate medium density development along and within close proximity to Canning Highway and provide for an appropriate transition to adjacent low density residential areas.
Please note that the report contains recommended actions from a consultant, for consideration by the City. These recommendations will provide the basis for the ongoing planning of the study area, but may not be implemented in full exactly as they appear in the report.
The City is now preparing an access study and drafting a town planning scheme amendment and associated local planning policy based on the report recommendations. These documents will be advertised for community comment once the access study is completed.
For the most up to date information on the Canning Highway project, visit the Canning Highway page on the City of South Perth website.