Council to consider Amendment 63
Council will consider Amendment 63 at the May round of meetings and make a final recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission.
Due to COVID-19 the meetings will be held online. Members of the public can participate in the meeting by submitting a deputation request or questions to the relevant meeting.
You can also register to observe each of the meetings. A registration link will be available via the Council Meeting page on 5pm the Friday before each meeting. Early registration is recommended.
- The Agenda Briefing will be held at 6pm, Tuesday 19 May 2020. Given the considerable community interest in this amendment, the draft Officers Agenda Briefing report has been made available earlier than usual. The Consultation Summary Report is also available.
You may register to make a deputation online at the Agenda Briefing meeting. Applications close 24 hours before the briefing meeting. Forms are available via the City's website.
- The Council Meeting will be held 6pm, Tuesday 26 May 2020. You may submit questions for a response during the online public question time as part of this meeting. For more information, please visit the website.
The May Council Meeting agenda will be available by 5pm, Friday 22 May 2020. The final report will be available for download via the Council Meeting page of the website after this time.
Audio recordings of the meetings will be made available the following day.
Consultation has concluded